Janome Treadle Powered Sewing Machine 712T

712T Treadle Powered Sewing Machine
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $349.00
Sale Price: $249.00
Today's Bonus: 29% Off
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okay, i think this is my first review of a product ever! but when i was looking around for sewing machines i found it very frustrating that there were not any reviews on some things so i thought that i would do my part =D

first of all, this machine is amazing!! before purchasing this, i was using an older White machine and it was electric...i was always having problems with the bobbin and threading and it not working etc. i have no had one problem since i first started using this machine (about 2 months ago now). i do need to add that this machine sees daily use...we cloth diaper in our family and i have been making an entire stash for my son and my soon to be daughter. this machine can sew through multiple layers of fabric (thick fabric) without a problem!

my favorites:

-no electricity needed for this machine to work

-super easy to thread

-the most amazing bobbin system i have ever used (SO easy)

-very strong, sturdy machine

this machine is mostly metal which is hard to come by now a days...there are some plastic parts but the pieces that matter are metal...i bought an old treadle sewing cabinet off of craigslist for about $40 and this fit into it just fine....i bought a singer sewing cabinet

you will need to purchase a belt separately and they are about $12, you can just google treadle belts and various sites will pop up, they are a standard length and you cut them down to size according to your cabinet and machine.

you wont regret this purchase!!

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