Pedal Sta Pedal Sta II Sewing Machine Pedal Pad PS200

Pedal Sta Pedal Sta II Sewing Machine Pedal Pad PS200
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $16.80
Sale Price: $15.99
Today's Bonus: 5% Off
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For 36 years I've put up with my featherweight foot pedal moving around every time I touch it. When saw this pad on Amazon, I was thrilled and bought it immediately. Then I saw it in the fabric store for half the price, meaning I could have gotten it for another 40% less with a coupon, and the 15% less on Senior discount day, woe is me. It would still be worth it though, if only it worked better. I live in very dry climate, and my floors are not carpeted. This doesn't stay put like it would if it had carpet to grab on to, or some moisture in the air to help keep it "sticky." Or if were made out of a heavy material like rubber. Still, it's better than nothing.

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