Janome Universal Ultimate Ruffler Accessory By The Each

Janome Universal Ultimate Ruffler Accessory By The Each
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I am currently a junior in my years as a fashion design student, and I have to say that this is one of the best investments that I have purchased for my career for awhile. If you are in to children's wear or cute dresses that have a lot of ruffling, than you cannot believe what a life saver this transformer-esque looking foot is! If you've ruffled by hand, gathering string by string than you know the agony and patience it takes to get the final product to look just right. Since ruffles are part of my design aesthetic, I was doing 3 to 4 yard ruffles and they were taking me AT LEAST 4 hours each by hand. Now... 5 minutes tops with the ruffler!!!!! I couldn't believe how professional and beautiful and fast this little guy works---like a dream.

Once you get the hang of all the settings for how wide a ruffle and how many ruffles per stitch, this is going to be your new favorite toy! I honestly still want to ruffle every piece of fabric I own!

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