Martha Stewart Crafts Lion Brand Yarn 5000-100 Knit and Weave

Martha Stewart Crafts Lion Brand Yarn 5000-100 Knit and Weave Loom Kit
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $45.00
Sale Price: $24.99
Today's Bonus: 44% Off
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Ive crocheted for about 10 years and recently taught myself to knit but had a hard time with gauging how to make items the right size. So I initially bought a knifty knitter and really enjoyed it as there was no guessing sizes and gauges, but I got tired of only being able to use bulky or doubled up yarn. I also wanted to have a try at intarsia which is very limited on knifty knitters due to their size.

The wait for this item was a little long, but really I only ended up waiting about 11 days, I was in no hurry given the price (although I noticed the price went up 5 dollars since I ordered it on January 22,2012, got it for $23) Considering the price of wood and metal alternatives that don't have such versatility i'd say this is still a steal. I had another item in my cart and qualified for free shipping which made it even more so worth the wait.

Over all I really love this loom and it's versatility has a lot of crafty ideas swimming around in my head. If I could I'd give this item 4 1/2 stars because while it has short comings (which is why it doesn't get 5) they aren't quite worth a full star reduction.

The Good:

I can see this item lasting a very long time, the plastic is of good quality and when the pegs are placed in to secure the pieces there is virtually no wiggling.

-Versatility! I don't see me needing to buy any other looms in the future. Since this loom allows you to make a variety of sizes and shapes I'm sure it will be great for things like socks, double sided scarves, of course hats and I think with some experimenting I could make a sweater on this thing!

The only thing you need to get started is yarn and a pair of scissors! it includes practically everything you would possibly need, including a size K crochet hook, and two yarn needles (one is longer and has a larger eye)

The Bad:

The knitting toolWhile the soft rubber grip on the knit tool is a nice upgrade, the metal part is a bit flimsy and slowly starts to bend backward while using it.. Im worried the constant bending during use and me returning it to it's correct position will eventually cause the metal to weaken and snap.

-The Yarn needles. Considering this item is typically found for 30 dollars and upwards I really think metal yarn needles should have been included especially since 99% of the other items are plastic. I'm sure they'll make due for beginners, but I really suggest investing in metal ones.

-The pegs start to slide up during use, but I've yet to have one actually fall out of their hole, unlike my knifty knitter which seemed to have a peg come loose from the hole every other round or so.

-The booklet The booklet is very basic. Although it's of high quality and in full color it leaves a bit to be desired, it gives you instructions on how to use it in a few various ways, I personally found the instructions a bit confusing and found "How to" youtube videos to be of better service. The booklet only offer's 3 basic patterns to be inspired by: a fairly plain scarf, matching hat, and a woven baby blanket.

In short I certainly don't regret my purchase but there are a few minor improvements that would make this item a stellar purchase.

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