Epson Iron-on Cool Peel Transfer (8.5x11 Inches, 10 Sheets)

Epson Iron-on Cool Peel Transfer
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $9.79
Today's Bonus: 51% Off
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I've only tried a few different brands of Iron-On Transfer paper, (so far Avery, HP and Epson) and I can say that this one works rather well. The ability to peel the transfer paper backing off the shirt when it's cool works better than another brand of paper in which you have to peel the backing when it's still warm.

I see two drawbacks and both are minor but significant:

1) The backing of the paper is blank/white just like the front and it's almost impossible to tell which side is the one that you want to print on. One corner of the paper is cut off to tell you the orientation and Epson only has directions for their printer. Basically, if your printer feeds from the bottom, you orient it one way, but... if your printer feeds from the top, it's a different ball game. They tell you this on their website. Other brands of transfer paper have faded words on their paper to tell you which is the back.

2) Epson only provides the clear/white paper. If you try this on any dark colored shirt, you will see the iron-on transfer clearly and it doesn't look good. They mention it in one sentence in the instructions.

That's my 2 cents,


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