Singer Sewing Machine 7468

Singer Sewing Machine 7468
Customer Ratings: 1 star
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This machine is the absolute WORST machine I've ever seen under the Singer name. I've been a fan (almost exclusively) of Singers my whole sewing career, which is over 40 years now. This machine is completely impossible to do precision work and tailoring on. The sewing head is so bulky that it's very difficult to see your work as it goes under the needle, exacerbated by the fact that the light in it is tiny and very dim. The same condition makes threading difficult (although it has a needle threader, if it was accessible it would still be much faster to thread the old fashioned way.) The computerization makes precision IMPOSSIBLE for several reasons: reverse is preset so that you cannot do one stitch at a time and control how far it goes; the needle by default ALWAYS stops at its highest point, making pivoting work on the needle much more time consuming. Does Singer think that the modern sewer can't learn that the needle has to be at its highest point before the work is pulled off the machine? That is one of the very first principles I learned as a child and I've never failed to use it. I think this machine was created for rank beginners who are too stupid to learn how to do it right, and an accomplished seamstress or tailor will NEVER be able to do anything on this machine. I think there were other things about this machine that drove me crazy too, but right now I can't remember them. I sent it back as I would never be able to do anything on it. This machine is TERRIBLE. I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner either.

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