Alumilite Water Clear 32 oz 2 Part Casting Resin Kit

Alumilite Water Clear 32 oz 2 Part Casting Resin Kit
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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4 stars not 5 due to all the bubbles. The thing I don't care for about Aluminite Water Clear is that too many bubbles form after pouring. I have had several projects lately where I have mixed it up and poured it into thin steel tubes about a yard long to make a durable and strong filler. For that purpose no one sees all the bubbles so it doesn't matter; however, if I were using it for a purpose where people would see the acrylic it forms then I would have a problem with all the bubbles. What I do like about it is that it mixes well, pours well and drys fast. You do get a little expansion so plan for that... I think that is due to the bubbles. Cure time is good and is tempurature dependent.

If I were going to pour a cabinet top to form a clear coating on top I would not use Alumilite Water Clear for that purpose.

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