Amazing GOOP® Marine Epoxy Paste 4 oz Kit

Amazing GOOP® Marine Epoxy Paste 4 oz Kit
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $9.99
Sale Price: $8.10
Today's Bonus: 19% Off
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This is fantastic stuff. I don't use it for it's intended purpose though. Ever wanted a deadbolt catch that won't split if someone tries to kick it in? This is how you do it, hollow out the area between the door frame & the wood of the adjoining stud, make sure it's bigger than what the deadbolt will be, once it hardens it's very difficult to make the opening larger. Mix together this putty & fill the hole with it. I did it using a pre-made deadbolt catch, like a metal hole with 4" screws to put it into the wall. Mixed up this putty, let it start to harden, then set the metal frame into the putty, put the long screws in & let it harden. You can not break the deadbolt trhough the door frame one this sets up!

It's also terrific for any fiberglass repairs like a fiberglass sink or tub, use tiny amounts to fill the cracks as it's not easily sanded once it's set.

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