Clamp-on Stand Table-mount Four Airbrush Holder Station

Clamp-on Stand Table-mount Four Airbrush Holder Station
Customer Ratings: 3 stars
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The product's box doesn't keep the parts of this stand together during shipping. The upper cradle assembly easily separates from the plastic base, and the two lower cradles are friction-fitted into the base. The steel clamp slides out of the base. When you open the product box, all of the components will be loose in the box, and therefore, you might end up with a beat-up stand like I did. Mine came with a slightly bent clamp, and some of the rubber coating on the upper cradle was torn.

With the aid of an adjustable wrench, I had the clamp straightened out and the stand mounted on my table.

The base has a grippy rubber bottom; once clamped, it doesn't budge. Unfortunately, the upper cradle assembly just slides loosely into the base, so if you're grabbing one of your airbrushes from the cradle assembly, your second airbrush will be jostled, and therefore, you might spill some paint.

The upper cradles will hold any type of airbrush, including side-feed airbrushes, like my Badger 100IL. The lower two cradles only hold gravity-feed or bottom-feed airbrushes. I pulled out the lower cradles because they actually get in the way of the hoses for the airbrushes mounted up top, and there's too much risk of a hose knocking or even pulling out an airbrush out of a lower cradle.

The bracket for the regulator is sized for the standard regulator/water-trap that seems to be sold under various brand-names -Badger, Paasche, Airbrush Depot, Master Airbrush, etc. If your regulator is missing the panel nut required to mount it in this holder's bracket, then search for "Interstate Pneumatics WP1130PN Panel Mount Nut for Regulator W1130" here on Amazon.

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