Lacis 3/8-Inch by 4-Inch Square Lace Bobbins Hardwood, Pack of 24

Lacis 3/8-Inch by 4-Inch Square Lace Bobbins Hardwood, Pack of 24
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $10.01
Today's Bonus: 44% Off
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This is a package of 24 simple square lace bobbins.

It's not evident from the picture, but the dimentions given are accurate4 inches long, which is pretty darned short. These are excellent travel bobbins or for use on a small pillow, but you'll want full-size bobbins for serious work.

They are also the cheapest bobbins I've seen on the internet. Two packages of these bobbins will give the beginning lacemaker enough pairs to attempt every pattern in a beginners book. (Any pattern using more than 24 pairs is probably not beginners work).

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