Fiskars 9521 45mm Contour Rotary Cutter

Fiskars 9521 45mm Contour Rotary Cutter
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $17.00
Sale Price: $11.49
Today's Bonus: 32% Off
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I had the opportunity to try the Olfa and the Fiskar rotary cutters from a friend who had both. After trying them for about 15 minutes, I decided I preferred the Fiskar cutter. The Olfa was okay and worked well, but the Fiskar cutter felt better ergonomically. The Fiskar handle was curved, sturdier with a better grip. I don't care for the straight cutters. Another friend also preferred the Fiskar cutter. We all decided Fiskar cutter was the best ergonomically, but will probably buy the Olfa blades. I hope this helps for those who may be on the border between the two. I rate it 4 stars because the blade is better on the Olfa.

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