Sergers are amazing, frustrating machines. This is the only one I have ever used, but I am assuming that such a complex machine, regardless of manufacturer, is difficult to learn to use. I am not an everyday sewist, and I would say this machine sees about 5 projects a year.
This machine is kind of built for a beginner. It is relatively easy to change from seams to rolled edges. It is easy to remember how to thread, however the provided thread was not high quality and I replaced it soon after learning to thread. Troubleshooting problems was a pain in the neck because after you re-thread the lower looper 5 times and the thread breaks AGAIN, you just want to go back to your little regular machine and zigzag your edges. Then you remember the differental feed, which is a pretty sweet deal, and you re-thread the lower looper after adjusting the tension.
Honestly, this is alot more machine than I need as it is just a toy for me. I would not recommend a serger if you are a hobby sew-er, unless you have alot of patience, and are bored with the 24 stitches your regular machine can achieve. That being said, if you are into knitwear or quilting, a serger (this serger) could be a dream come true.
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