InspirationzStore Mustache Collection - May the Stache be

May the Stache be with you - Funny mustache humor - Star Wars parody - moustache fun - white - 22x22 Inch Quilt Square
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $24.99
Sale Price: Price Unavailable
Today's Bonus: 16% Off
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I bought this after a long and frustrating search for a mustache themed square for my quilt. I really wanted something that said, "I mustache you a question: Will you be my special lady?" But I guess this works. However, I thought I might first try pinning it to the back of my jacket--just to give everyone a hearty chuckle. In one visit to the mall I was high-fived by a guy in a Yoda shirt, questioned by the cops about the location of my "stash", and then some guy grabbed by backside. So, I'm torn. It fills a much needed space in my quilt project, but also seems to electrify people. I guess I can order two if they're not sold out.

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