Kano Aerokroil Penetrating Oil, 10 oz. aerosol (AEROKROIL)

Kano Aerokroil Penetrating Oil, 10 oz. aerosol
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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I have been using kroil at my work (a power plant) for over a year now. This stuff is amazing. At my work, we often have to remove 2" plus bolts that have been rusting in place for the past 30-60 years. Kroil is one of the few things that actually helps. If we still can't get those bolts off with kroil, we usually have to heat the holes up till red hot to get them out. And if that doesn't work, they get cut off. There really is no comparison with kroil and other oils. Kroil leaves no residue that will end up gumming up after a few months like WD-40 does. I started using kroil for household uses, and it does great for tools, windows, and sewing machines as well. Basically, if you have anything mechanical, a can of kroil is one of the best investments you can buy to keep them running optimally. 3-in-1 oil on crack... that's kroil.

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