"Rite in the Rain" Tactical Field Book - Tan (4 5/8" x 7 1/4")

'Rite in the Rain' Tactical Field Book - Tan - 980T
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $15.95
Sale Price: $15.90
Today's Bonus: $0.05 Off
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I am an ROTC cadet who has to do weekend training on a pretty regular basis in a climate that is extremely humid and wet. For the longest time I would bring a regular notebook, and by the end of the day the paper would be disintegrating. This is the perfect solution! The paper is water resistant, and can survive being left out in the rain.

Not only that, but in the back of the book is checklists and reports that are essential to training (9 line uxc, 9 line medevac, salute, troop leading procedures, sector sketch, etc)

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