Jeweler's Genuine Rubber Bulb Dust Blower - Gentle Air Cleaning

Jeweler's Genuine Rubber Bulb Dust Blower - Gentle Air Cleaning
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $8.99
Sale Price: $2.97
Today's Bonus: 67% Off
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I use this rubber bulb dust blower for a final cleaning step before putting photographic slides in my scanner.

The action of the check valve for the air intake is very smooth. The rubber from which the bulb is made is very supple and not too thick. The brass noozle has just the right diameter for a nice high air velocity without too much resistance.

With all of these characteristics, I find that I can operate the bulb with an easy squeezing motion that is not too tiring on the hands, yet a few quick puffs from the bulb does a great job of blowing dust from the surfaces of my slides.

I still keep a can of compressed gas for blowing off larger surfaces (like the glass plate in my scanner), but this bulb lets me conserve the canned gas by doing a great job on the smaller surfaces of my slides and negatives.

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