SINGER 14CG754 ProFinish 2-3-4 Thread Serger With Machine Intro

SINGER 14CG754 ProFinish 2-3-4 Thread Serger With Machine Intro DVD
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $299.99
Sale Price: $179.99
Today's Bonus: 40% Off
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Purchased this item from a retail JoAnns' It was 249.99 on sale, came threaded.

I had to play around with the machine more than I used it, read the reviews here and on JoAnns' site and decided there was a better Serger out there.

Bought a Brother from Amazon, JoAnn only sold Singer.

Now, in defense of the Singer serger machine, it has a much heavier material cutter, less oiling and a heavier steel shaft, collar combination, than the Brother.

Also, when the Singer was serging it did an extremely good job of overlocking, better than the Brother, in my opinion.

After I became used to the Singer form of threading it wasn't as bad as most of the reviews made it sound.

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