Iwata Airbrush Parts quick-fit disconnect male adapter

Iwata Airbrush Parts quick-fit disconnect male adapter
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $6.60
Sale Price: $0.60
Today's Bonus: 91% Off
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These things are proving to be difficult to find. Of course, I have a couple already, and they work great. The issue is with a merchant who lists them here.

Said merchant (appears to be the main merchant for them in the Amazon Marketplace) took my order, but sat on it for approx. 10 days w/o any indication they intended to fulfill the order. Both ship date and estimated delivery date came and went without any action by the merchant.

So, I cancelled the Amazon Marketplace order (they processed the cancellation promptly, much more responsive than the actual order), and ordered directly from another vendor. We will see if they arrive.

Be advised.

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