Officemate Heavy Duty Adjustable 2-3 Hole Punch with Lever

Officemate  Heavy Duty Adjustable 2-3 Hole Punch with Lever Handle, 32-Sheet Capacity, Black
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $44.49
Sale Price: $25.80
Today's Bonus: 42% Off
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It is amazing how quickly you become dependent on some things. One of the things I seem to be unable to live without is a three-hole punch. I have a lot of binders at home and work where I keep various files, and a three hole punch is essential.

Three hole punches come in a variety of styles. I have tried low quality three hole punches and have been disappointed with how quickly they seem to start binding up, or the cutter gets dull. On some, the fence that sets the size of the paper either can not be tightened, or is so difficult to use as to be impractical.

This three hole punch has punched holes in thousands of sheets of paper and still seems to be as shape as when I first purchased it. While it takes more force to get through a lot of sheets, I am sure that I have stretched the limit of the advertised 32 sheets of 20 lb. paper.

There are many three hole punches available. I know this particular punch costs more than some, but it may be the last three hole punch you ever need if you are buying it for home use. In the office I think you will find it outperforms and outlasts many other hole punches. I recommend this hole punch highly.

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