Magcraft NSN0802 1/2-Inch by 1/8-Inch Rare Earth Disc Magnets

Magcraft NSN0802 1/2-Inch by 1/8-Inch Rare Earth Disc Magnets, 14-Count
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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I purchased these magnets primarily for detecting counterfeits of collectible coins and gold bullion.

Most genuine U.S. coins are not magnetic at all (one exception is the 1943 steel penny) and some fake gold bullion bars (and maybe fake coins too) have a steel core. All steel is mostly iron which will always stick to a magnet. Silver and Gold are not magnetic so most coins and all bullion will NOT be pulled by or stick to a magnet. A 1943 Lincoln penny passes or fails a magnet test in the opposite way.

I intend to use only 4 to 7 of these magnets together as a cylinder for that purpose and use the others for some other useful purpose. They are much stronger than other types of magnets and will hold any paper to a refrigerator easily (2nd practical use).

They are incredibly strong for their size and are a little difficult to separate. I recommend that you keep them in the original container when not in use, because they will snap to any steel, iron, or other magnets more quickly and from a farther distance than other magnets.

They could also be used for science experiments if you need small, round, clean magnets.

A 3rd practical use: keep a few in your pocket and stick steel nails, screws, or other fasteners to the outside of your pants.

A 4th practical use: you could attach them to any ordinary steel or iron tool with a long handle (e.g., garden rake, hoe, frog gig, etc.) and then use that tool to search the ground (e.g., your lawn) for lost nails or other small steel/iron objects.

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