SINGER 2250 Tradition Basic 10-Stitch Sewing Machine

SINGER 2250 Tradition Basic 10-Stitch Sewing Machine
Customer Ratings: 3 stars
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This is my first sewing machine, the first time I've used one. I love it, and hate to see it's rating so low due to reports of bobbin jamming. None of the 3 complaints mentioned that they even attempted to adjust the upper or lower tension adjustments. My machine jammed up the first time I used it but I read the instructions and adjusted the tensionsproblem solved. Adjusting the lower bobbin tension is a touchy feely operation, but not hard to do. From the instructions"To test the bobbin thread tension, remove the bobbin case and bobbin and hold it by suspending it by the thread. Jerk it once or twice. If the tension is correct, the thread will unwind by about an inch or two. If the tension is too tight, it does not unwind at all. If the tension is too loose, it will drop too much. To adjust, turn the small screw on the side of the bobbin case." There is a screwdriver included to make this adjustment. It clamps the thread, so a thicker or thinner thread could mean an adjustment is necessary. Mine needed to be loosened for the first spool of thread I used. This bobbin case is polished stainless steel, so it's not wearing out soon. I guess the screw might get loose someday, my local Jo-Ann fabric store sells new complete bobbin cases for $2.99. The upper thread tension dial requires a lot of adjustment depending on the work. A sewing machine isn't a hair dryer. They are complex weird monsters and there is a learning curve, no way around it. You've got to tune em like a guitar. This machine is heavy and stable and has a pleasant look and feel. It disturbs me there is no inclusion of oil or lubrication instructons. I doubt it's never necessary, so I got a tube of Official Singer Oil, a very thick oil with a look and smell like melted butter. I recomend it. I've only had my 2250 for a week. 5 stars so far.

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