Silhouette Cameo Replacement Cutting Mat

Silhouette Cameo Replacement Cutting Mat
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I've had a lot of experince with cutting mats and die cut machines. This mat is no better or worse that any other mat that comes with these types of machines. Most people that die cut alot have tips for getting the most out the mats. Here are a few of mine:

-All mats are very, VERY sticky when they are brand new. They will shred your paper if you are not careful with them. Solution: Get some of the stickyness out by rubbbing a cotton T-shirt all over the mat. The barely visable fuzz from the shirt will soften the sticky to a managable level for your paper while not interferring with the blade.

-Sticky wears off after time. This is not really true but it seems like it. The real problem is dust and paper fibers adhere to the mat over time and block the sticky. Solution: Rinse with cool water and rub some dish soap with your hands over the mat. This will remove the debris thats blocking the sticky. Let air dry when done.

-Washed the mat way too many times and now the sticky really IS gone. This happens much later on in the life of the mat. Solution: Buy a can of spray adhesive (Making Memories Slice Removeable Adhesive works GREAT) or a broad tipped glue pen and reglue the mat yourself. Make sure it is completely dry before use. If you chose to use a Spray, make sure the unsticky edges of the mat are covered before you spray so they stay that way. You can YouTube "Reglue Cricut Mat" for the technique.

Hope this helps with the mat problems alot of reviewers are having. Rest asured, this is typical and normal issue and not at all exclusive to this machine or this mat.

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