Snow Globe with Wood Base Makes a Fun Project

Snow Globe with Wood Base Makes a Fun Project For Do-It-Yourselfers
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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This comes with two snow globe kits. Each kit has a glass sphere, rubber seal, and a wooden base. You need to purchse separately some silicone sealer, like you'd use to seal the bathtub or a fishtank.

You can use the silicone to glue an item to the rubber seal. I was just putting some small seashells and beach sand from a recent trip in mine, so I didn't do this.

Add water to the globe. The instructions recommend some alcohol to prevent bacteria, and some glycerin to break surface tension. Then push the rubber seal in the globe, being careful to get out all the air bubbles.

I put some water into a bowl, and held the globe underwater while pushing on one side of the seal to let the last few air bubbles escape. I also found that more bubbles appeared overnight, probably air trapped in the shells or sand, so you might want to let things soak for a few days to make sure there are no bubbles inside your globe.

After the rubber seal has had time to completely dry, apply some silicone sealant, and let that dry. Then you can use silicone sealant to glue the whole thing in the wooden base.

My finished globe looks great, and is a nice reminder of my trip.

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