Singer Class 66 Plastic Bobbin (10 Pack)

Singer Class 66 Plastic Bobbin
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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You'd think I ate these things because they vanish into thin air. I machine quilt and use a lot of bobbins. Finding the right size is a hit or miss situation and I think part of the problem is the age of my Singer. I have a newer machine that is also a Singer, but uses a different clear bobbin which is readily available at Walmart. This bobbin is used in a really old metal machine that I got when I was 12. Now it is classified as a semi-antique. I have been able to get replacements through Joanne's, but on occasion they have been special ordered and I am ordering some today through Amazon.

When I received my 'classic' machine I liked the clear bobbin. I still do. The bobbins, though plastic, are sturdy. I've misplaced them, run out of empty ones, but have never dealt with breakage or fatigue. The thing that makes them cool is you can see when you are running low on feeder thread. The old machine has a metal feeder plate, but it can be retracted so you can determine if there is a malfunction such as a snag or if the problem is an empty bobbin.

If you are having a problem locating add'l bobbins, ordering from Amazon is a good alternative.

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