Amazing GOOP® Automotive Epoxy Paste 4 oz Kit

Amazing GOOP® Automotive Epoxy Paste 4 oz Kit
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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I used this back in the day when it was "SuperWeld" and nothing has changed but the packaging, which is 100% better. It comes with an A&B which you have to mix in the supplied "dixie" cup using one of the two freezer pop sticks. It's a one to one mixture so it's super easy to use. You mix it VERY thoroughly and it'll start getting warm. Slather it on and let it sit for a couple of hours so it can harden.

I used this to rebuild some broken plastic tabs on my car. I put it on super thick and then drilled it out. It couldn't have worked better. To replace the broken part on my car would have take several hours due to the disassembly/assembly process, so this REALLY was a life saver.

This product is a bit more viscous than other products, so if you need something super thick like putty, this isn't the product for you. I'd say it's slightly more viscous than toothpaste.

I HIGHLY recommend this product.

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