Brother SC9500 Computeized Sewing & Quilting Machine 90

Brother SC9500 Computeized Sewing & Quilting Machine 90 Stitiches with Wide Table
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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I got this machine from Sears after losing my old Singer. Originally, I was very skeptic about getting a computerized machine but when it came down to the wire, I needed a machine ASAP and I wanted a quality one.

All I can say is, if you read the manual, you will do just fine. Many reviews on sewing machines complain about hard or confusing threading, but I'm telling you now, threading this machine is super easy!

Being computerized, there are many, many options to choose from! READ THE MANUAL. It explains everything you can think of and even gives you charts of what needles to use with what fabric, what stitches should be in length and width, what each stick is best used for, etc. This manual is not just instructions for the machine, it is the best reference guide I've ever had.

As far as the machine, It handles like a dream. It is quiet and very efficient. The only thing I don't like is the spool holder being made of plastic, but all of them are these days. The smooth guides of the machine does a good job as long as you have plenty of fabric and no pulling. As of right now, I have used the machine on lining and cotton/Sateen. It does a great job on both in multiple layers and just as one layer.

I think the best part of the machine is that you can change some general setting. FIrst, the machine is preprogramed to put the needle down when you lift your foot of the break, which means you have to push a button to get it to lift up out of the fabric. Following the manual, this can be changed and reprogramed easily to make the needle lift up automatically when you're done. It also starts the needle out on a straight stitch to the left, but this can also be changed to make it start out in the center at a straight stitch.

This machine was constructed for someone who likes to use the needle to the left. Which is obnoxious for me, but not even close to a deal breaker. The only thing is that the measurements on the machine that show the distance from the needle, used for 5/8 main seams, are from the left needle position. Which means if you like the needle center, you need to know what is 5/8 away since it is not on the table.

The accessories that this machine comes with are amazing. It comes with every foot you may need as well as some bobbins and a variety of needles.

I do recommend this machine to anyone, experienced or not because it is a great easy to use but powerful machine. If you get it at Sears, you can even get a 2 year "fix-it" warranty for about $50. Sears has a 90 day return policy which is handy if this machine isn't for you. The parts warranty from Brother lasts 25 years. Last, read the manual. The whole thing. It is easy and filled with pictures more than anything else. Believe me, you will not regret knowing what you're doing rather than guessing and getting frustrated. Good luck on your sewing!

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